MySQLfs is a FUSE filesystem allowing an user to easily map a virtual filesystem to an underlying MySQL Database. There are various reason that may lead you to need something like this, the first being:

  • MySQL can track it’s activity in a Binary Log file, thus allowing you to effectively storing a “time-based” backup of the filesystem. With this feature you can easily restore a filesystem state in a specific moment in time
  • MySQL Replicaton allows you to mount the same virtual filesystem on different servers, all at the same time and – if you set up a circular replication – all writable copies
  • In certain scenarios you may need to store a specific Datastore status alongside a specific Database status – think a CMS or a Document Management System: if you keep different backups for the documents within the system and the database table indexing the documents you can easily have a disaligned backup.

The project is quite stable at this moment in time. It has received contributions from many individuals from all the world. It’s latest pubblic version is 0.4.1, with the upcoming 0.4.2 coming in a very short time.

That’s all for now. More news in a short while.

More infos on the MySQLfs topic can be found here.

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